What do all these things do?
A Short Tale of What Drilling Instruments Measure
-- Automatic Drillers
Automatic Drillers developed by Crown Oilfield Instrumentation have proven themselves as the most reliable auto-driller in the oilfield industry. This driller maintains maximum weight on bit.
-- Mud Pressure Systems
In short, Mud Pressure Gauge Systems monitor mud operations in order to accurately detect problems in the system. These gauge systems are intended to provide a quick display of the pump pressure. Model of these systems provided by Crown are Single Pointer, Compound Pointer, Unitized, and Standpipe pressure gauges.
-- Load Cells / Sensors
Load cells are designed to accurately read compression and tension loads on an indicator. The diaphragm protector keeps fluids from entering the internal parts of the system and come with hoses that can measure up to 50 ft. De-booster services the purpose while reducing line pressure by a 4:1 ratio.
-- Weight Indicator Systems
Weight Indicator Systems give readings for weighing of drilling mud, chemicals, and cement on land and offshore rigs. Crane weight indicators are made for use with deadline applications to indicate crane load. Wireline weight indicators systems protect downhole tools by accurately monitoring the amount of tension being placed on a line.